
CustomResourceDefinitionVersion describes a version for CRD.


  • withAdditionalPrinterColumns


    AdditionalPrinterColumns are additional columns shown e.g. in kubectl next to the name. Defaults to a created-at column. Top-level and per-version columns are mutually exclusive. Per-version columns must not all be set to identical values (top-level columns should be used instead) This field is alpha-level and is only honored by servers that enable the CustomResourceWebhookConversion feature. NOTE: CRDs created prior to 1.13 populated the top-level additionalPrinterColumns field by default. To apply an update that changes to per-version additionalPrinterColumns, the top-level additionalPrinterColumns field must be explicitly set to null

    withAdditionalPrinterColumns takes an array of type additionalPrinterColumnsType. You can create an instance of additionalPrinterColumnsType with

    see hidden.apiextensions.v1beta1.customResourceColumnDefinition

  • withAdditionalPrinterColumnsMixin


    AdditionalPrinterColumns are additional columns shown e.g. in kubectl next to the name. Defaults to a created-at column. Top-level and per-version columns are mutually exclusive. Per-version columns must not all be set to identical values (top-level columns should be used instead) This field is alpha-level and is only honored by servers that enable the CustomResourceWebhookConversion feature. NOTE: CRDs created prior to 1.13 populated the top-level additionalPrinterColumns field by default. To apply an update that changes to per-version additionalPrinterColumns, the top-level additionalPrinterColumns field must be explicitly set to null

    withAdditionalPrinterColumnsMixin takes an array of type additionalPrinterColumnsType. You can create an instance of additionalPrinterColumnsType with

    see hidden.apiextensions.v1beta1.customResourceColumnDefinition

  • withName


    Name is the version name, e.g. “v1”, “v2beta1”, etc.

  • withServed


    Served is a flag enabling/disabling this version from being served via REST APIs

  • withStorage


    Storage flags the version as storage version. There must be exactly one flagged as storage version.

  • schema

    Schema describes the schema for CustomResource used in validation, pruning, and defaulting. Top-level and per-version schemas are mutually exclusive. Per-version schemas must not all be set to identical values (top-level validation schema should be used instead) This field is alpha-level and is only honored by servers that enable the CustomResourceWebhookConversion feature.

  • subresources

    Subresources describes the subresources for CustomResource Top-level and per-version subresources are mutually exclusive. Per-version subresources must not all be set to identical values (top-level subresources should be used instead) This field is alpha-level and is only honored by servers that enable the CustomResourceWebhookConversion feature.

    • scale

      Scale denotes the scale subresource for CustomResources

      • mixinInstance


      • withLabelSelectorPath


        LabelSelectorPath defines the JSON path inside of a CustomResource that corresponds to Scale.Status.Selector. Only JSON paths without the array notation are allowed. Must be a JSON Path under .status or .spec. Must be set to work with HPA. The field pointed by this JSON path must be a string field (not a complex selector struct) which contains a serialized label selector in string form. More info: If there is no value under the given path in the CustomResource, the status label selector value in the /scale subresource will default to the empty string.

      • withSpecReplicasPath


        SpecReplicasPath defines the JSON path inside of a CustomResource that corresponds to Scale.Spec.Replicas. Only JSON paths without the array notation are allowed. Must be a JSON Path under .spec. If there is no value under the given path in the CustomResource, the /scale subresource will return an error on GET.

      • withStatusReplicasPath


        StatusReplicasPath defines the JSON path inside of a CustomResource that corresponds to Scale.Status.Replicas. Only JSON paths without the array notation are allowed. Must be a JSON Path under .status. If there is no value under the given path in the CustomResource, the status replica value in the /scale subresource will default to 0.